Page name: Undead Zoo! Underworld [Logged in view] [RSS]
2016-08-01 22:49:25
Last author: Kbird
Owner: Kbird
# of watchers: 3
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2013-03-01 [Kbird]: Hmmm the picture.....

2013-03-01 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: I like the picture cause it fits the underworld. There is the good area which is where Will, Raven, Ciel,Karin, and Sam are from and then there is the part where the evil demons are from

2013-03-01 [Kbird]: ^-^ YAY!!

2013-03-01 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Oh and don't forget about Will and Raven on the facility page

2013-03-01 [Kbird]: right I'll take care of that when the others get here so we wont have to wait long.

2013-03-03 [Kbird]: I have to go get pizza be back!

2013-03-04 [Kbird]: back

2013-03-04 [~Crimson Angel~]: Welcome back.

2013-03-04 [Kbird]: donka.

2013-03-04 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: I'm going to have them pass the area where Will and Dean had their fight and I'm going to have Will notice that the portal to limbo is still open

2013-03-04 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: <img:> what do think of this pic for Will,Raven,Dean, and Karin's parents, John and Lucy Blackfire

2013-03-04 [Kbird]: I can't see it.:/

2013-03-04 [~Crimson Angel~]: I can't either.

2013-03-04 [~Crimson Angel~]: Cute

2013-03-04 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: I'm thinking of them being npc's if you would like to play as them Crimson

2013-03-04 [Kbird]: cool

2013-03-04 [~Crimson Angel~]: Your parents?

2013-03-04 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: I think Crimson should play as them and I already hinted with Sam's last post at him briefly smelling the Blackfire family scent

2013-03-04 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: No my characters parents that is if you want to Crimson

2013-03-04 [~Crimson Angel~]: Will's parents?

2013-03-04 [Kbird]: Hmmmm If you do that..I think it'll be the last family.

2013-03-04 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: It would be Kira besides Ciel's family

2013-03-04 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol That's what I meant.

2013-03-04 [ancienteye]: I have to get off in about ten to twenty minutes.

2013-03-04 [Kbird]: Okay I have to do dishs so I wont be on for a bit.:/

2013-03-04 [ancienteye]: Ok. :/

2013-03-05 [Kbird]: should we wait on this page...sence Dean is kinda off time at the moment

2013-03-05 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: This is just the first encounter I'll bring Dean in a lil bit later as Will is on his way to the kidnappers hideout

2013-03-05 [Kbird]: what type of demons are this?

2013-03-05 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: They would be ones that can control multiple elements like fire,water,and lightning to name a few

2013-03-05 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: If anyone hasn't figured it out yet Will is taunting the demon's into revieling themselves and their powers

2013-03-05 [Kbird]: I noticed.

2013-03-06 [Kbird]: thanks ancient!

2013-03-06 [ancienteye]: Welcome~ =^_^=

2013-03-06 [ancienteye]: *sweatdrops* He's so casual about it...

2013-03-06 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will is used to it, plus he has saved Sam's mom life numerous times

2013-03-08 [ancienteye]: ...I guess Darryl just made up Haniko's mind for her. XP

2013-03-08 [Kbird]: Darryl: I can kiddnap who I want!XO
Haniko:......<_< I can't go with them any I'll forgive your rudness.

2013-03-08 [ancienteye]: Why can't you go with them, Haniko?

2013-03-08 [Kbird]: Haniko: It's not my place...besides Im never going to join the government....And I like Miss, Fern!^-^

2013-03-08 [ancienteye]: Fern: "Thank you, dear." ^_^
Aspen: "Well I guess someone's got to..." >___>

2013-03-08 [Kbird]: Graham: heared that miss, Spook.
Mark: *sigh* There are plenty of people who like Fern

2013-03-08 [ancienteye]: Aspen: "But how many of them really /know/ her? I'm counting only about six out of the over six hundred that /say/ they do." XP

2013-03-08 [Kbird]: Me:She's right.
Mark: true...but they dont have to know that..

2013-03-08 [ancienteye]: Aspen: "And even of the people that /think/ they know her, how many that know her 'Blood Games' side like her?" XP
Fern: "They don't have to /like/ that side of me." *rolls eyes* "Fearing it is plenty."

2013-03-08 [Kbird]: Haniko: Hmmm doesn't fear make them weaker allys and more likely to turn sides?

2013-03-08 [ancienteye]: Fern: "But most people who saw my 'Blood Games' side and didn't agree with it aren't my allies." =^_^= "/Those/ people were the bait~"

2013-03-08 [Kbird]: Haniko: Oh how clever!

2013-03-08 [ancienteye]: Fern: "It's really the most effective way to weed out who'd be useful and who wouldn't when you can afford the time~"

2013-03-08 [Kbird]: Haniko: I see...Hmm your very intalligent!
Me:....Fern's has a fan

2013-03-08 [ancienteye]: Fern: "...So it seems." *a little flattered*
Aspen: "...Hn." e____e

2013-03-08 [Kbird]: Mark: Hey might get one too someday.

2013-03-08 [ancienteye]: Aspen: "Who said I want one?" e___________e *vanishes*

2013-03-08 [Kbird]: Graham: Owwww~ Mark you better not get jealous and kiddnap some little kid.
Mark: What the H***?! Like I would!

2013-03-08 [ancienteye]: Fern: e____________________e

2013-03-09 [Kbird]: Cue graham getting in a slappy fight with Mark intell Mark makes a fist and Graham starts running.

2013-03-09 [ancienteye]: Fern: *exasperated sigh*

2013-03-09 [Kbird]: Graham:=====XD hahaha=======
Mark:====Get back here!======

2013-03-09 [ancienteye]: Fern: "Both of you. Stop. Now."

2013-03-09 [Kbird]: Both:*came to a screeching holt* Yes?

2013-03-09 [ancienteye]: Fern: "We are not in the hideout. We are not in a private area. We are in /the comment area which is open to all characters/. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

2013-03-09 [Kbird]: Both:*sigh* alright..I'm sorry.

2013-03-09 [ancienteye]: Fern: "Thank you. I was starting to get a headache..."

2013-03-09 [Kbird]: Graham:*pokes Marks ear* hehehe
Mark:*when he think no ones looking bites Grahams ear*
Graham:O.O owww~

2013-03-09 [ancienteye]: Fern: *to Mark* "Leave him alone, he doesn't know any better." *to Graham* "Oh, please, if you don't want him to bite you, then stop poking him!"

2013-03-09 [Kbird]: Graham:>_> but he's so cuddly.
Mark: If he hugs me I'll punch him....he needs to learn some how.

2013-03-09 [ancienteye]: Fern: e____________e
Aspen: "Punch him! Punch him!" >:D
Fern: "You are /so/ not helping."
Aspen: "I /so/ don't care~"

2013-03-09 [Kbird]: Graham:O.O your getting violent in your old age..
Mark:=____= if I'm old what does that make you?

2013-03-09 [ancienteye]: Aspen: "He has a point. Aren't you Fern's age? And she's the older sister..."
Fern: "And just how old are you?"
Aspen: "...Just shut up and respect your elders." >.<

2013-03-09 [Kbird]: Graham:.....I'm..a year older then, Miss Fern.>////>

2013-03-09 [ancienteye]: Fern: "You're older?" *blink blink* "I always thought you were a couple months younger..."
Aspen: "You didn't know?" XD
Fern: "I know his birthday, but his actual /age/ never came up in conversation!" >.<

2013-03-09 [Kbird]: Graham:^///^ yes My lady...I'm a bit older..but can I cal you big sis!
Mark:H*** No!! No calling any of as brother or sister!!>:O

2013-03-09 [ancienteye]: Fern: e__________________e "I honestly don't know why you'd even want to, Graham."

2013-03-09 [Kbird]: Graham:O.O >.> no point....It's one of those emotion things.

2013-03-09 [ancienteye]: Fern: ???
Aspen: =___________=

2013-03-09 [Kbird]: Mark: We've already talked about your little "Emotion" burst.
Graham:...I know..>_>

2013-03-09 [ancienteye]: Fern: *is a little confused and put out that she doesn't understand...* "Just get back to work. Both of you."

2013-03-09 [Kbird]: Both:*bow and head out*

2013-03-09 [ancienteye]: Fern: "And to think Mark is so quiet if Graham isn't in the room..."

2013-03-09 [Kbird]: Me:<.< yeah....Graham is good at changing peoples mood.

2013-03-09 [ancienteye]: He sure is, isn't he? XD Both Mark and Fern become entirely different people if he's around~

2013-03-09 [Kbird]: He is great!^-^ he bring out the kind side in XP

2013-03-09 [ancienteye]: Fern doesn't really understand how or why, though... XP

2013-03-09 [Kbird]: no one

2013-03-09 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: So what do you think of what I had Will tell Ciels little brother

2013-03-09 [Kbird]: ^-^ he is actully younger then the

2013-03-09 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Oh I didn't know that

2013-03-09 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: I'll pick up the fight between Will and the wind demon later on today. I'm going to call it a night

2013-03-09 [Kbird]: same

2013-03-09 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: I believe it's your turn here Kbird

2013-03-10 [Kbird]: UM HOLD OFF ON THAT POST!!

2013-03-10 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: On what post Kbird

2013-03-10 [~Crimson Angel~]: huh?

2013-03-10 [Kbird]: Did you read the comment I made on your posts for Will and Dean?

2013-03-10 [~Crimson Angel~]: Whoa! *just read it*

2013-03-10 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: I'll fix it sorry

2013-03-10 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yeah, should've looked before I posted it for him.

2013-03-10 [Kbird]: It's okay....everyone needs to suffer a little MRAHAHAHAHAHA!!!>:D

2013-03-10 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Ok Deans post is fixed

2013-03-10 [Kbird]: Meko: O.O eck! I was wearing a White short!
Note: She's bleed and got blood on it and now had someone use it as a tissue.

2013-03-10 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: I see. I'm going to have Will's new group pop up at the training grounds so it will be easier for Will to get help if that's ok with you Kbird

2013-03-10 [Kbird]: Umm the training ground would be dangerous seence..well look at the area there at.

2013-03-10 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: I was talking about where Raven was at along with Will and Dean's parents. You know kinda make a awkward family reunion

2013-03-10 [Kbird]: sure.

2013-03-10 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: I guess have Raven notice Dean carrying Will through the gate

2014-01-30 [Kbird]: Let me say this first
I was on your side
Before the war began
My gloves came off when the ring went
On, and on, and on

You can tune me out
You can turn me down
And try to cut me off
But you will not stop me singing
On, and on, and on

For a while you danced with us and
We were all alone
But the beat kept getting faster
And you lost control

I want you to know I'm
Not sorry at all
You can't buy forgiveness
Or blame me for the fall
All I ever wanted was
For us to beat the odds
I thought we were lucky ones
But all your luck is gone

You're a vicious kind
'Cause you've lived this life
Where you're allowed to win
Even when you're long, you still keep
On, and on, and on

So I think it's time
That we said goodbye
'Cause all your talent lies in the way
You're always moving
On, and on, and on

Oh, the beat kept getting faster
And you lost control

I want you to know I'm
Not sorry at all
You can't buy forgiveness
Or blame me for the fall
All I ever wanted was
For us to beat the odds
I thought we were lucky ones
But all your luck is gone

Oh, the beat kept getting faster
And you lost control

I want you to know I'm
Not sorry at all
You can't buy forgiveness
Or blame me for the fall

I want you to know I'm
Not sorry at all
You can't buy forgiveness
Or blame me for the fall
All I ever wanted was
For us to beat the odds
I thought we were lucky ones
But all your luck is gone

2014-01-30 [ancienteye]: Nice~

2014-01-30 [Kbird]: I can kind of see Edgar singing this.

2014-01-30 [ancienteye]: I can too. :P

2014-01-30 [Kbird]: Edgar: •v•

Nova: he knows better.

2014-01-30 [ancienteye]: Aspen: "...." :/

2014-01-30 [Kbird]: Graham: *wants to egg on Edgar but doesn't want to face Novas wrath* they didn't say /who/ he's singing to.

Mark: >.>

2014-01-30 [ancienteye]: Aspen: *raises eyebrow at Graham as if to ask "Who else could it be for?"*

2014-01-30 [Kbird]: Nova: *has a simular exspression*

Graham: he knows a lot of people. *shrugs*

2014-01-30 [ancienteye]: Aspen: e______________________________________e

2014-01-30 [Kbird]: Edgar: if I my, their are plenty of things planned for the second, I have no control over what they choose to do.

Nova: true. But they can't do something that isn't in your naturem

Edgar: they could. It does would make things very dull.

2014-01-30 [ancienteye]: Aspen: "Actually, in the karaoke they can make you sing anything. I've been forced to sing about I guy I can't even remember."

2014-01-30 [Kbird]: Mark: -_______- yeah...let's just agree the writers a sick crazy *censored*

2014-01-30 [ancienteye]: Aspen: "Exactly my point."

2014-01-30 [Kbird]: Nova: *probably thinking dark evil thoughts*

Edgar: *extends arms* hug?

Nova: no.

2014-01-30 [ancienteye]: Aspen: "Does she even accept when in a 'good' mood?"

2014-01-30 [Kbird]: Edgar: why would she?

Graham: its worth trying though.

2014-01-30 [ancienteye]: Aspen: "You two..."

2014-01-30 [Kbird]: Graham: yes :3

Edgar: what about us?

2014-01-30 [ancienteye]: Aspen: "Such huggers."

2014-01-30 [Kbird]: Graham: I know I am. But Edgar perfers getting his head patted, or patting someones head.*is deminstrating by patting Edgar*

Edgar: e.e ...... eve

2014-01-30 [ancienteye]: Aspen: "...................................."

2014-01-30 [Kbird]: Mark:...................this is...disturbing...

2014-01-30 [ancienteye]: Aspen: "Ditto, dear."

2014-01-30 [Kbird]: Edgar: *in bless*

Graham: aww come on, you know its adorable~

2014-01-30 [ancienteye]: Aspen: "...........I am looking at an alcoholic cat rubbing the head of Nova's cousin. Everything about this is wrong."

2014-01-30 [Kbird]: Mark: agreed.

Nova: e-e

Edgar: :)

Graham: haha! We got him to smile!

2014-01-30 [ancienteye]: Aspen: *rolls eyes*

2014-01-30 [Kbird]: Mark: those two certainly interesting pair. *relifed that none of Grahams other playmates are popping up*

2014-01-30 [ancienteye]: Aspen: "For crying out loud, don't tell me that stupid love triangle is a square, now." =_________________________=

2014-01-30 [Kbird]: Graham: X3 oh no!

Edgar: pet...not lover.

Graham: em I the pet? 0.o

Edgar: *nod*

2014-01-30 [ancienteye]: Aspen: "............................................."

2014-01-30 [Kbird]: Mark: that...better?

2014-01-30 [ancienteye]: Aspen: "....Maybe?"

2014-01-30 [Kbird]: Graham: :/ I'm don't think so.

Edgar: <img:stuff/mood21-gif.gif>

Graham: o.o okay, okay I can be your pet!

Mark: <img:ws23.gif>

2014-01-30 [ancienteye]: Aspen: XD "He's a sucker for weepers."

2014-01-30 [Kbird]: Mark: he sure is~

Graham: <img:44166_1164144921.gif>

Edgar: shh.

2014-01-30 [ancienteye]: Aspen: *raspy giggle*

2014-01-30 [Kbird]: XD I love Edgar, he doesn't show up much...but I love him.

2014-01-30 [ancienteye]: I can tell~

2014-01-30 [Kbird]: No matter who he's around the interaction is fun

2014-01-30 [ancienteye]: I know! XD

2014-01-30 [Kbird]: XD yet he makes people feel so unomfortable.

2014-01-30 [ancienteye]: Which is what makes it fun~

2014-01-30 [Kbird]: Yep. ^-^

2014-02-06 [Kbird]: Hey Dad,
I'm writing to you,
Not to tell you that I still hate you.
Just to ask you how you feel
And how we fell apart,
How this fell apart.

Are you happy out there in this great wide world?
Do you think about your sons?
Do you miss your little girl?
When you lay your head down,
How do you sleep at night?
Do you even wonder if we're alright?

But we're alright,
We're alright...

It's been a long hard road without you by my side.
Why weren't you there all the nights that we cried?
You broke my mother's heart,
You broke your children for life.
It's not okay,
But we're all right.
I remember the days you were a hero in my eyes,
But Those are just a long lost memory of mine.
I spent so many years learning how to survive,
Now I'm writing just to let you know I'm still alive.

The days I spent so
Cold; so hungry,
Were full of hate,
I was so angry
The scars run deep inside this tattooed body,
There's things I'll take to my grave,
But I'm Okay, I'm Okay.

It's been a long hard road without you by my side
Why weren't you there all the nights that we cried
You broke my mother's heart
You broke your children for life
It's not okay,
But we're alright
I remember the days you were a hero in my eyes
But those are just a long lost memory of mine,
Now I'm writing just to let you know I'm still alive,
And I'm still alive.

And Sometimes I forgive
Yeah, and this time,
I'll admit,
That I miss you,
Said I miss you

It's been a long hard road without you by my side
Why weren't you there all the nights that we cried
You broke my mother's heart
You broke your children for life
It's not okay,
But we're all right
I remember the days you were a hero in my eyes
But Those are just a long lost memory of mine,
Now I'm writing to just let you know I'm still alive

And sometimes I forgive,
And this time,
I'll admit,
That I miss you, I miss you,
Hey Dad...

2014-02-06 [Kbird]: Thorn family song?

2014-02-06 [ancienteye]: Most definitely. XD Who's it from?

2014-02-06 [Kbird]: Good charlotte.

2016-08-01 [Kbird]: This page should've never existed. =_________________=

2016-08-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: I think it was made for Will

2016-08-03 [Kbird]: It was...and that's the problem. Demons , underworld, angels, they shouldn't have existed in the UZ world...but I have come to love some of the characters that are of those races, so I have come up with a way to keep them.

2016-08-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Oh?

2016-08-03 [Kbird]: Well, there are several groups that have been doing stuff in the background, some of which consists mainly of is possible they made a multidimensional portal of some kind and everyone just figured the "demons" and "angels" are coming from heaven and hell

2016-08-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Wow, that's actually a good explanation for that.

2016-08-03 [Kbird]: thank you~ *bows* its the best I could find.

2016-08-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: You're welcome.

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